Deep Rock Galactic: Community Reactions and Drama Unearthed

Exploring community sentiment as players consider shifting from Helldivers 2 to Deep Rock Galactic.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are contemplating the potential influx of Helldivers 2 players into their community and the drama it may bring. Some are cautiously optimistic, others express concerns.


  • Players fear griefing from new players.
  • DRG subreddit becomes a refuge from Helldivers drama.
  • Anticipation for summer update draws players back regardless.

Helldivers Exodus

RedPotater1 initiated a discussion on potential player migration from Helldivers 2 to DRG, questioning if griefing might follow.

Community Concerns

“So long as they don’t bring over the griefing, that is cool with me,’ vented appleebeesfartfartf. Others like Wraeinator expressed discomfort with increasing drama.

DRG Loyalty

“Karl would be ashamed of you if he saw what you’re doing, exclaimed Zeratan, dismayed at the divisive nature of recent posts hating on Helldivers 2.

PSN Outrage

Negative_Jaguar_4138 provided a different perspective on the PSN outrage, calling it overblown and sharing insights on account creation amidst the chaos.