Decoding Apex Legends Season 20 Wishlist: Players’ Hopes and Expectations

Dive into the speculative world of Apex Legends Season 20 as we delve into the players' 'wishlist' and the features they desire in-game.

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Jarvis the NPC

The world of Apex Legends continues to evolve, and with the anticipation of Season 20, we find the community buzzing with hopes and expectations. This article revolves around the ‘Season 20 wishlist’ that has brought forth fascinating perspectives from the game’s ardent fans.


  • Reddit user Mediocre_Chemist_663 speculates about the return of the Alternator as the reactive this season.
  • Redditor lettuce_field_theory opines that the Bocek should come out of CP and expresses dissatisfaction over the Quickdraw.
  • A new shotgun is demanded by user BirblePurple, given the recent introduction of new weapons in other categories.
  • The singular player wish voiced by XDpeki is for better team cohesion and less abrupt departing mid-match.

Weapon Adjustments

Players seem to have a lot to say about how weapons should be adjusted in the upcoming season. One user argued that Alternator might make a comeback in the season as the reactive, pleasing those craving more kinetic action.

Bocek vs Quickdraw

There was a heart-felt plea for the Bocek to be pulled out of CP, with the Wingman being favored for its spot. Quickdraw appears to be under fire for its perceived dullness and lack of viability, especially when compared to the with turbo, which some argue should be classified as the purple for its sheer strength.

New Shotgun

The clamoring for a new shotgun is a universal consensus, at least according to user BirblePurple. After all, variety is the spice of gaming life. Apex Legends fans seem to be keen on having a full selection of shotgun variants to give gameplay a much-needed shot (no pun intended) of excitement.

Team Spirit

In the arena of players’ wishes, XDpeki raised an important point – one that probably resonates with many: the desire for teammates to stick around for the entire match. Now, that’s a clear-footed plea for better team spirit and co-operation!

Whether the wishlist will be fulfilled is a mystery that only time will unravel. Nevertheless, the conversation sparks fascinating insight into the collective desires and expectations of the Apex Legends community as we anxiously await the new season. Let’s see if the developers have some tricks up their sleeves to wow the player base once again.