Deciphering Diablo: Understanding Tempering Confusion

Exploring the perplexing world of Diablo tempering and its confusing mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delving into the world of Diablo, where even the legendary affixes can leave you scratching your head.


  • Understanding the mechanics of tempering and affix rolls is crucial for maximizing item potential.
  • Players can apply 2 affixes and have a total of 7 rerolls, spread across the affixes, for perfecting their gear.
  • Rerolls are tied to individual affix slots, offering strategic depth in customization.

Applying Tempering

One of the users clarified, “Applying Tempering doesn’t consume a reroll.” This insight sheds light on the process and the potential outcomes players can expect. It’s a relief to know that each affix is not at the mercy of a finite number of rerolls, providing a balance of risk and reward in upgrading gear.

Tactful Rerolls

Another user mentioned, “You get to apply your 2 affixes and then you get 5 total re rolls.” This breakdown of how to distribute the rerolls among the affixes offers a strategic approach to optimizing gear. Understanding the allocation of rerolls can mean the difference between a decent item and a stellar one.

Reroll Slot Specifics

One user explained, “The rerolls are tied to the ‘slot’.” This crucial detail underscores the importance of planning and decision-making in the tempering process. Managing rerolls across different affixes requires foresight and adaptability, enhancing the depth of item customization.

Deciphering the intricacies of Diablo’s tempering system reveals a blend of strategy and chance that keeps players engaged in crafting their ideal gear. With each reroll and affix application, the potential for enhancing item power presents a thrilling challenge for aspiring adventurers. The balance between risk and reward in tempering adds a layer of excitement to the loot hunt, making each gear upgrade a meaningful step towards conquering the demonic forces that lurk in the realm of Sanctuary.