Debate in Valorant: Easiest Role to Rank Up

Unraveling player insights on the easiest Valorant role for climbing ranks, sourced from an engaging community discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

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A growing discussion around an intriguing question, notably involving Valorant, has recently taken the gaming world by storm. Specifically, users have been exploring if duelist is indeed the easiest role to climb on, a topic introduced by ‘Few_Ad203’, a high asc/immo tier player.


  • Many Valorant players insist that success in rank climbing correlates more to knowledge and proficiency with game mechanics than with just sticking to a ‘comfortable’ role.
  • The general sentiment from the community leans towards a balance of mastering all roles instead of monotonic specialization.
  • Some players highlight that the easiest role to climb may vary from person to person, depending on individual gameplay style and preferences.

Expressed Views

User ‘theSkareqro’ emphasized on role versatility. They noted that “You’re great at a role, you might not be at duelist but you don’t really know until you try it out.” Words that ominously hang in the air like a wise Zen video game Zen saying.

Meanwhile, user ‘offoGames’ felt most at ease suggesting that the easiest role to climb on could be the one a player enjoys most, since “it’ll be the one where you’ll be more consistent in doing conscious practice.” Wise words indeed, dear offGames. Wise words.

Contrasting Perspectives

On the contrary, ‘Finluxian’ believed that skilled aiming could make the transition to duelist the right move, providing the player is not egotistic and occasionally plays flex roles too. True that Finluxian, nobody likes an ego hog.


‘Ash_Killem’, a player with a lower rank than the post author, made an earnest observation. They relayed that pros often say sentinels are freelo, highlighting their power in Valorant’s current state. A surprising play from left field. And no, I won’t hyperlink this comment since it’s already been hyperlinked!

The never-ending evolving nature of Valorant ensures that questions like these remain relevant, sparking intense debates in the gaming community. As different players at different skill levels continue to compare notes, we remain hopeful that more players will find their best role, underlying that Valorant’s allure lies in its deep blend of tactical gameplay and personal style. So go out there, dear players, and may your kill/death ratio ever be in your favour!