Dealing with Rage Quitters in Smite: A Community Problem

Are rage quitting toddlers ruining your Smite experience? Dive into the community's frustrations in the alpha phase.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever jumped into a game of Smite, only to be met with rage quitting toddlers at every turn? It seems like there’s always one per match, disrupting the gameplay with their early exits and incessant spamming of VGS commands.


  • The toxicity in Smite’s community is hindering players’ enjoyment.
  • Rage quitting and AFK behaviors are prevalent issues affecting gameplay.
  • Suggestions for improving player behavior and enforcing stricter penalties.
  • Players express frustrations with the surrender mechanic and early quitting.

Addressing Toxicity

One user laments, ‘Smite would be so much better to play in general if the players weren’t so toxic. It’s unfortunate.’ The toxic atmosphere created by certain players can deter others from enjoying the game, creating a negative cycle.

Rage Quitters and AFKs

Another player shares their experience, ‘I haven’t finished a single game yet. They have all ended at like 7-10 minutes via surrender.’ The prevalence of rage quitting and early surrenders disrupts the flow of matches and hampers the overall experience for dedicated players.

Suggestions for Improvement

A user proposes, ‘Hopefully they ramp up their banning efforts against players who intentionally AFK, quit early, rage in chat etc. Clear out the bad people so that everyone else has a better time.’ Enforcing stricter penalties for disruptive behavior could help alleviate these issues and promote a more positive gaming environment.

Smite’s community grapples with ongoing challenges related to toxic player behavior and premature game exits. While some players advocate for stricter penalties and behavior enforcement, others emphasize the importance of perseverance and learning from setbacks. Finding a balance between addressing toxic behavior and fostering a welcoming community remains a key objective for Smite’s ongoing development.