Dealing with Dwarven Delinquents in Deep Rock Galactic

A tale of kicking a troublesome dwarf in Deep Rock Galactic's hazardous missions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic, a game known for its cooperative gameplay, had a player who caused quite a stir recently. Patchlocke shared a story on Reddit about the need to kick a troublesome dwarf in a hazard 5 mission. The player’s actions led to frustration and ultimately, their removal from the team.


  • The hazards of kicking players in Deep Rock Galactic
  • The importance of teamwork and communication in hazardous missions
  • Dealing with disruptive players in online cooperative games

Annoyance Amongst the Caves

Alternative_Fail_222 expressed how being annoyed while playing a video game is not the ideal experience. Failing a mission is okay, but dealing with annoying and ignorant players can ruin the fun.

Ignorance and Insubordination

Mcferguson highlighted the frustration of dealing with a player who ignored instructions and engaged in double dipping without consent. Cooperation is key in hazardous missions, and such behavior can lead to failure.

Player Dynamics in Hazard 5

BrooksConrad pointed out the oddity of encountering ignorant players in hazard 5 missions, where higher levels of skill and coordination are expected. A lack of teamwork can have dire consequences, emphasizing the necessity of removing disruptive players.

Dragon_Skywalker simply bid farewell to SpaceBucket after their expulsion from the team, acknowledging the consequences of one’s actions.

Macronic8 shared observations of more players being kicked for various disruptive behaviors, indicating a trend towards stricter enforcement of teamwork standards in the game.

Rail-signal recounted an experience with high-level players who displayed selfish behavior, underlining the need for understanding basic game mechanics and teamwork regardless of player level.

mac_o_rowan shared a similar experience of having to kick a low-level player who disrupted the mission flow, highlighting the importance of being a team player in cooperative games.

PerrinAyybara narrated a bizarre instance where the host kicked teammates unexpectedly, showcasing the unpredictability of online interactions.

Zxclisive101 questioned being kicked from lobbies without reason, reflecting the confusion and frustration that can arise from player interactions in online games.

Dealing with disruptive players in cooperative games like Deep Rock Galactic requires a balance between patience, communication, and the willingness to enforce teamwork standards. While kicking a player may seem harsh, ensuring a cohesive and enjoyable experience for all team members is vital in hazardous missions. Cooperation and understanding of game mechanics play key roles in navigating the challenges of cooperative gameplay.