Crafting vs. Farming: Destiny 2 Players Sound Off on Weapon Rolls

Destiny players share their thoughts on crafting versus farming for weapon rolls. Find out why they love the system or wish for a change.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are divided over the farming versus crafting debate regarding weapon rolls. Some find the grind rewarding, while others argue for the benefits of a crafting system.


  • Players appreciate the sense of accomplishment from crafting weapons.
  • Farming for random rolls can lead to burnout and frustration.
  • Crafting offers a more guaranteed path to desired weapons.

Players’ Perspectives on Crafting and Farming

Many players expressed frustration with the RNG aspect of farming for weapon rolls in Destiny 2. User yesitsmeow highlighted the lack of agency in the process, stating that endless hours spent farming can feel like a waste of time.

Serperit echoed this sentiment, sharing their struggles in obtaining specific weapon drops despite investing significant time and effort. The burnout from repeated attempts at farming for desired rolls was a common theme among commenters.

On the other hand, some players like ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE praised the crafting system for alleviating the need for mind-numbing chores and offering a more rewarding gameplay experience. The ability to work towards specific weapons through crafting was a key factor in their enjoyment of the game.

The Debate Continues

Cinderchar and NovocaineAU highlighted the shift in gameplay experience when transitioning from farming to crafting, with mixed feelings about the change. While some players found crafting to be a welcome feature that personalized their weapons, others missed the excitement of chasing random drops.

iswearitwaslikethat raised a critical point about the disparity in weapon perks, questioning the value of grinding for specific rolls when most traits are subpar compared to ideal combinations. The debate between crafting and farming encompassed not just the mechanics but also the overall satisfaction derived from the gameplay loop.

Ultimately, Destiny 2 players continue to grapple with the balance between RNG-based farming and crafting systems. The ongoing discussion reflects the diverse preferences within the community and the desire for a rewarding and engaging loot acquisition experience.