Cracking the Code: Understanding Power Levels in the Latest TFT Set

Struggling to make sense of power levels in the current Team Fight Tactics set? You're not alone! Dive into the discussion here.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are grappling with the concept of power levels in the latest set, leading to frustration and confusion among many.


  • Having 7 mythic units without trait synergies can lead to a weak endgame performance.
  • The importance of itemization and synergy to enhance the power of key units.
  • Strategies around specific champions and item builds for optimal performance in top-tier lobbies.

Insufficient Power Levels

Players highlighted the struggles of running 7 mythic units without proper trait synergies, leading to underwhelming performances and struggles to compete with mainstream compositions. The lack of damage output and itemization for key carries were critical factors in determining success.

Itemization and Synergy

Discussions revolved around the significance of itemization, particularly emphasizing the necessity of equipping essential items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Gunblade on the bard to enhance its effectiveness. Traits synergies and mix compositions were seen as crucial for maximizing power levels.

Champion Strategies

Players analyzed compositions that secured top placements, highlighting the dominance of certain champions like Lee Sin and strategies that revolved around 4-cost carries. The meta favored specific builds like the porcelain invoker, emphasizing the need for adaptation and strategic play to succeed.

With varied opinions on balancing and the impact of certain champions and items on power levels, the TFT community continues to explore strategies for optimal performance and success.

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