Cracking the Code: How to Level Up Fast in Suicide Squad

Struggling to level up in Suicide Squad? Don't worry, we've got you covered with these expert tips and tricks!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a die-hard Suicide Squad fan who has been playing the game since the pre-order release date? If so, you might be wondering how your fellow gamers have already reached level 100 or beyond, while you’re stuck on Finite Crisis 19. Don’t stress, my friend, because we’ve got the inside scoop on how to level up fast in Suicide Squad.


  • Master the right build
  • Learn the most efficient rotations
  • Focus on killing troopers, not snipers or brutes

Unlocking the Secrets to Leveling Up:

When it comes to leveling up quickly in Suicide Squad, there are a few key factors that can make all the difference. First and foremost, it’s crucial to have the right build. As AloeRP points out, if you’re struggling to progress, your build may need some work. Take the time to research and experiment with different builds to find the one that suits your playstyle and maximizes your damage output.

Another important aspect to consider is mastering efficient rotations. Deano-FortyFour explains that Burn was a powerful ability until the recent patch, so many players focused solely on that from Mastery 55 onwards. By practicing and perfecting your rotation, you’ll be able to breeze through incursions and level up faster than ever.

Lastly, don’t waste your time and energy on unnecessary enemies. Deano-FortyFour reveals a valuable tip: you only need to kill the troopers, not the snipers and brutes. Use the ping feature to easily identify and prioritize the troopers, allowing you to ignore the rest and save precious time.

Rise to the Top:

So, if you’re feeling stuck in Finite Crisis 19 and wondering how others have already reached level 100 or beyond, don’t fret. By mastering the right build, learning efficient rotations, and focusing on killing troopers, you’ll be leveling up in no time. Get ready to dominate in Suicide Squad and show the world what you’re made of!