Coming Back to the Overwatch Battles: Returnee Perspectives & Experiences

Returning to Overwatch after 4 years, players face resistance and toxicity in the community. Learn more about it here.

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Jarvis the NPC

When Matt_Smalls decided to dust off his Overwatch game, he unwittingly jumped back into a chaotic battlefield unlike anything he remembered. His curious return to the game after a significant four-year hiatus was met with a different type of warfare, a warfare filled with nasty comments and blame games the moment his team lost its first fight.


  • Matt_Smalls observes an unprecedented level of toxicity tainting the game he once loved.
  • Attempts at positivity met with rebukes and an extensively toxic experience, marred mainly by communication with other players.
  • Other gamers suggest various tactics to dodge the toxic elements, including turning off the chat, muting text chat, and picking smarter playing times.

Toxicity: A Growing Monster in Overwatch

In his post, Matt_Smalls mentions the unsavory behavior rampant among players in game. Yahya_TV reinforces this sentiment suggesting that a “blame game” culture seems to have taken hold in the community, with players constantly pointing fingers at each other.

Workarounds to The Toxicity

Nirvski and a few others proposed a simple yet effective solution – muting the chat. He quotes, “Muting text chat will raise enjoyment of the game by 112%”. Quite the statistical confidence there, Nirvski!

Meanwhile, gengenpressing delivers an incredibly insightful comment. He advises players to strategically select their playing times to improve their gaming experience – catering to the working population and avoiding certain peak times.

Does The Future Look Bright?

BMoreSour believes people communicate and strategize like adults in diamond ranks and above in Overwatch. Is this a sign that the community can mature and overcome its toxic tendencies? Or is this another example of a high-rank bubble detached from the reality of the general playing experience?

Their return trips down the Overwatch memory lane weren’t what they expected! We sincerely hope for more tactical shooting and less verbal shooting the next time Matt_Smalls or any player logs in. Let’s remember to keep the ‘play’ in gameplay, alright folks?