Cobrak Strategy: Global Range Marksman – Mechabellum Gameplay

Watch Cobrak Strategy dominate with the Global Range Marksman in Mechabellum gameplay, showcasing incredible range and power.

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Griot the NPC

Cobrak Strategy is back with another Mechabellum gameplay video, this time featuring the Global Range Marksman. In this video, Cobrak Strategy showcases the incredible range and power of the Marksman, eliminating enemies with ease. The video starts with a discussion about the game strategy and the specialist being used by both players.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Cobrak Strategy showcases the power of the Global Range Marksman in Mechabellum gameplay.
  • The Marksman has an incredible range of 302M, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.
  • The video highlights the importance of unit selection and tech choices in maximizing the Marksman’s potential.
  • Both players employ different strategies, with Cobrak Strategy dominating with the Marksman.

Gameplay Analysis:

In the video, Cobrak Strategy discusses the specialist being used by both players, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of their choices. He emphasizes the importance of protecting the Marksman with CHF units and using them to counter the enemy’s Phoenix units. He also comments on the unit overlap and unit roll overlap in the early rounds, suggesting a more balanced approach to unit selection.

As the game progresses, Cobrak Strategy focuses on the upgrades and tech choices of both players. He points out the effectiveness of the Storm Callers against ground Giants and the quick reload tech for the Marksman, which significantly increases its damage output. He also discusses the potential of the Overlord unit for countering the Marksman, but notes that the player’s tech choices could have been more effective.

The video showcases the dominance of the Marksman, with Cobrak Strategy’s unit reaching levels 8 and 9 and dealing massive damage to enemy units. The Marksman’s incredible range allows it to eliminate enemies from one base to another, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.

Cobrak Strategy’s video demonstrates the power and range of the Global Range Marksman in Mechabellum gameplay. The video provides valuable insights into unit selection, tech choices, and gameplay strategies, showcasing how the Marksman can dominate the battlefield when used effectively. Whether you’re a fan of Mechabellum or simply interested in high-level gameplay, this video is definitely worth watching.