Cloud Plays: Helldivers 2 Bringing Something Huge To The Table!

Check out Cloud Plays' latest video on Helldivers 2, filled with leaks and exciting updates for the game!

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Griot the NPC

A major order is about to end in Helldivers 2, and Cloud Plays discusses the latest updates and leaks in their recent video. They start off by mentioning a Reddit post that sparked controversy about the game’s difficulty scaling, and then dive into leak territory, revealing new planetary effects and icons for upcoming Strat gems and weapons. Let’s take a closer look at what they discussed in this exciting video!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Controversy around the game’s difficulty scaling and player base
  • New planetary effects in Helldivers 2
  • Icons for upcoming Strat gems and weapons

Controversy around Difficulty Scaling:

Cloud Plays discusses a Reddit post that raised questions about difficulty scaling in Helldivers 2. The post highlighted the difference in player behavior and skill level at difficulty seven, with players becoming more communicative and strategic. Cloud Plays shares their own experience and invites viewers to share their opinions on the matter.

New Planetary Effects:

Cloud Plays reveals some exciting new planetary effects in Helldivers 2. One of them is flash floods, where water levels gradually increase in marked flood zones, slowing down units. Another effect is acid geysers, which periodically create areas of corrosive gas. Lastly, there’s a low gravity mode that allows Hell divers to dive and throw further, with reduced fall damage. These new effects add a fresh twist to the gameplay and create unique challenges for players.

Icons for Upcoming Strat Gems and Weapons:

Cloud Plays showcases leaked icons for new Strat gems and weapons coming to Helldivers 2. They highlight a double Auto Canon Mech, a backpack with an ‘H’ symbol, and various Auto turrets, including a grenade launcher and flamethrower. However, the most intriguing leak is the grav gun, a weapon that can move objects on the map. Cloud Plays expresses both excitement and concern about this potential addition to the game, as it could drastically change the gameplay experience.

Cloud Plays promises to provide more in-depth news videos on Helldivers 2 in the future, so stay tuned for further updates. And don’t forget to participate in their giveaway for a chance to win a copy of the game or super credits!