Carter2k: The Best Chapter 5 PC Keyboard & Mouse Settings, Sensitivity + Keybinds In Fortnite!

Discover the best keyboard and mouse settings, sensitivity, and keybinds for Fortnite in Carter2k's latest video.

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Griot the NPC

Carter2k’s latest video dives into the world of keyboard and mouse settings for Fortnite. As primarily a controller player, Carter2k takes on the challenge of mastering the PC setup and shares his preferred settings, sensitivity, and keybinds. Whether you’re new to keyboard and mouse or looking to optimize your setup, this video provides valuable insights and tips for improving your gameplay. Check out the video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Carter2k recommends using default graphic settings and performance mode in Fortnite.
  • Visualized sound effects should be turned on in the audio settings for improved gameplay awareness.
  • For mouse and keyboard settings, Carter2k suggests using 6.3% sensitivity on both the X and Y axes, with an 800 DPI.
  • Keybinds, such as scroll wheel pickup and scroll wheel reset, can provide significant advantages in gameplay.

Mastering Keyboard and Mouse in Fortnite

In his video, Carter2k discusses his transition from controller to keyboard and mouse gameplay in Fortnite. He emphasizes the advantages of using a mouse and keyboard setup, including a higher skill cap and the ability to perform advanced maneuvers. Carter2k shares his personal settings, sensitivity, and keybinds, providing viewers with a starting point for optimizing their own setups.

One of the key recommendations Carter2k makes is to use default graphic settings and enable performance mode. This ensures a smooth gaming experience without sacrificing visual quality. Additionally, he highlights the importance of visualized sound effects in the audio settings, as it helps players track their opponents’ movements and actions.

When it comes to mouse and keyboard settings, Carter2k uses a sensitivity of 6.3% on both the X and Y axes, with an 800 DPI. This sensitivity allows for precise aiming and smooth camera movements. He also suggests keeping the building and editing sensitivities at 100% to maintain consistency in gameplay.

Keybinds play a crucial role in optimizing keyboard and mouse gameplay. Carter2k recommends using the scroll wheel for actions like pickup and reset, as it provides a significant advantage in speed and efficiency. He also shares his preferred keybinds for building structures, editing, and interacting with the environment.

Goals and Achievements

In the latter part of the video, Carter2k sets three goals for himself to gauge his progress on keyboard and mouse. The first goal is to regain his feel and judge his skill level by successfully performing three triple edits in a row. After some practice, he manages to achieve this goal, showcasing his improved comfort and control with the new setup.

The second goal is to hit a clip on someone in creative mode. Carter2k showcases his building and editing skills, landing a satisfying full box 200 damage piece control on an opponent. While he acknowledges that he is still a beginner on keyboard and mouse, he demonstrates his potential for growth and improvement.

The final goal is to secure a victory in a regular game, with at least five eliminations. Carter2k faces off against skilled opponents in intense late-game scenarios, utilizing his newfound proficiency on keyboard and mouse. Despite some setbacks, he ultimately achieves his goal, showcasing his ability to adapt and succeed on the new setup.

Carter2k’s video serves as a valuable resource for Fortnite players looking to optimize their keyboard and mouse setups. Whether you’re a controller player considering a switch or a keyboard and mouse player looking to refine your settings, this video offers useful insights and recommendations. Be sure to check out Carter2k’s YouTube channel for more gaming content!