CammyTFT: Power Puff Reroll Comp Dominates in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Ranked

CammyTFT showcases the incredible power of the Power Puff reroll comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Ranked.

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Griot the NPC

CammyTFT’s latest video highlights the strength of the Power Puff reroll comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Ranked. The strategy revolves around rerolling for specific units and synergies to create a dominant team. Watch the video below to see the comp in action:

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Power Puff reroll comp focuses on rerolling for specific units like Zoe and Diana, as well as synergies like Dragon Lord and Exalted.
  • The comp relies on items like Shiv, Nashes Tooth, and Morello to maximize the effectiveness of key units.
  • CammyTFT showcases the power of the comp by dominating opponents and securing top placements in ranked matches.

The Power of the Power Puff Reroll Comp

CammyTFT demonstrates just how powerful the Power Puff reroll comp can be in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Ranked. By rerolling for key units and synergies, such as Zoe and Diana with Dragon Lord and Exalted, the comp is able to quickly build a strong team.

The right itemization is crucial for success with this comp. CammyTFT highlights the importance of items like Shiv, Nashes Tooth, and Morello to maximize the damage output and survivability of key units.

Throughout the video, CammyTFT showcases their skill and knowledge of the game by dominating opponents and securing top placements in ranked matches. The Power Puff reroll comp proves to be a formidable strategy that can lead to success in Teamfight Tactics Set 11.

CammyTFT’s video on the Power Puff reroll comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Ranked highlights the incredible strength and potential of this strategy. By rerolling for specific units and synergies, as well as utilizing key items, players can create a dominant team that can secure top placements in ranked matches. If you’re looking for a new comp to try in Teamfight Tactics, the Power Puff reroll comp is definitely worth considering.

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