Call of Duty: Woods or Mason – Fans Divided!

Are you Team Woods or Team Mason in Call of Duty? Fans are split on their favorite characters!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Call of Duty subreddit are debating over who they prefer more: Woods or Mason. The community is divided on their favorite characters from the series.


  • Fans can’t decide between Woods and Mason, with some preferring one over the other.
  • Some express a fondness for the dynamic between the two characters.
  • Screen time and character traits are key factors in choosing a favorite.

Woods: A Beloved Badass

Many players appreciate Woods for his screen time and overall badass persona. Some feel he is more charismatic and memorable compared to Mason.

Mason: The Protagonist Pick

Others lean towards Mason for his protagonist role and the hardships he endures throughout the series. His journey resonates with fans.

Community Dilemma

The community remains split, with some stating that it’s challenging to choose as both characters bring unique qualities to the game.

Overall, the debate rages on, showcasing the deep attachment fans have to the characters of Call of Duty.