Call of Duty: Real Gun Controversy Explained

Discover why Call of Duty avoids real gun names and the backlash from fans and parents.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered why Call of Duty doesn’t use real gun names anymore? The recent controversy sheds light on this decision.


  • Perception that video games cause violence
  • Misdirected lawsuits against game developers
  • Debate on gun control in the US

Perception vs. Reality

Nazon6 points out the misconception of video games causing violence, emphasizing the game’s influence on interests without inciting real-world harm.

Legal Battles

No-Abies758 compares suing game developers to suing GTA for car thefts, highlighting the absurdity in blaming games for real crimes.

Misguided Actions

AnimeGokuSolos questions the rationale behind parents suing Activision, sparking a conversation on accountability.

The Gun Naming Debate

b3ckf1zz clarifies the technicalities of gun names, shedding light on the complexities game developers face in representation.

eternal_existence1 offers a perspective on societal influences beyond games, questioning the selective criticism placed on video games amidst broader media content.

JasonGamerX clarifies his stance, indicating the unjust nature of suing game developers for societal issues.

The Royalty Factor

Adventurous_Soil9118 suggests financial motivations behind the avoidance of real gun names, hinting at profit concerns.

b3ckf1zz humorously points out the irony in restricting gun names for a player base that cannot legally purchase firearms, debunking misconceptions on gun laws.

Adagium__ makes a lighthearted remark on Bethesda, highlighting the unrealistic expectations placed on game developers.