Call of Duty: MW2 vs. BO2 – Which is Better?

Gamers debate between Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops 2 - who will reign supreme?

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to Call of Duty, the debate between Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops 2 is an ongoing battle.


  • BO2 cherished for memories and overall gameplay
  • BO2 favored for campaign, multiplayer, and elite zombies
  • BO2 praised for balanced multiplayer and competitive play
  • BO2 stands out for addictive ranking, perfect gameplay, and extensive content

BO2: A Look Back

Many gamers voiced their nostalgia for Black Ops 2, citing it as their top pick for various reasons. One Redditor remarked, “BO2 was the only multiplayer that I played for 3 years in a row”.

MW2: The Chaotic Fun

On the other hand, supporters of Modern Warfare 2 highlight the chaotic fun it brought to the table. One user noted, “MW2 was just pure chaotic fun, and I much enjoyed its whole offering more”.

The Ultimate Decision

While both games have their dedicated fan base, the ultimate choice between MW2 and BO2 often comes down to personal memories, gameplay preferences, and the overall experience each game provided. Whether you’re team MW2 or team BO2, the love for these titles remains strong among the Call of Duty community.