Call of Duty Fans Wonder: Seriously, Where Is It?

Call of Duty fans express their frustration and confusion while waiting for the next release.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans are eagerly waiting for the next installment. Amidst the anticipation, users on Reddit are expressing their feelings of frustration and confusion.


  • Longing for the next release with mixed emotions
  • Discussion on the quality of the previous titles
  • Speculation on the direction of the franchise

Anticipation and Frustration

Many users are torn between eagerness for the next release and frustration at the lack of information. Some express disinterest in paying for a remastered version of a previous title, highlighting a desire for new content.

Quality of Past Titles

Opinions vary on the quality of recent titles like MWII and MWIII, with some users pointing out perceived shortcomings in the games and support from the developers.

Direction of the Franchise

Speculation runs wild on what the future holds for the Call of Duty series, with users debating the potential choices and strategies that the developers might pursue.

It’s clear that the Call of Duty community is eagerly awaiting the next release while simultaneously grappling with mixed emotions about the franchise’s direction. As discussions continue, fans remain hopeful for an exciting new chapter in the iconic series.