Call of Duty Fans Debate Sgt. Paul Jackson’s Fate in OG Modern Warfare

Should Sgt. Paul Jackson have survived the nuke in the original Modern Warfare? Fans share conflicting views.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans are divided over the fate of Sgt. Paul Jackson in the OG Modern Warfare. A Reddit post suggesting Jackson should have survived the nuke sparked a debate among users.


  • Some fans believe keeping Jackson alive would have undermined the anti-war message of the original trilogy.
  • Others argue that it’s a game and realism shouldn’t be the deciding factor.
  • Many point out the fatal nature of Jackson’s situation post-nuke.

Debate Over Sgt. Paul Jackson’s Fate

While the idea of Sgt. Paul Jackson surviving the nuke in the original Modern Warfare may sound appealing to some fans, others argue that it would detract from the powerful anti-war message the game conveys. The devastating impact of the nuke serves as a poignant moment…

Realism vs. Fantasy in Call of Duty

One user aptly points out that Call of Duty games often walk the line between realism and fantasy. The use of juggernaut suits in a raid on a building in MW3 is highlighted as an example of the game’s departure from strict realism…

The Fatal Fallout for Sgt. Paul Jackson

Another user delves into the physics of nuclear fallout, humorously explaining that if the mushroom cloud is bigger than your thumb, you’re toast. This comment adds a touch of dark comedy to the discussion around Jackson’s survivability…

Call of Duty fans continue to passionately debate the fate of Sgt. Paul Jackson, showcasing the community’s investment in the narratives and characters of the beloved franchise.