Call of Duty: Captain Price’s Best Facial Hair – Fans Debate!

Cod fans discuss the best facial hair style of Captain Price. Which one is your favorite?

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to Call of Duty, one of the most iconic characters is Captain Price. Recently, a Reddit post sparked a debate among fans about which of Price’s facial hair styles is the best.


  • Fans are divided between different versions of Captain Price’s facial hair.
  • Some prefer the sleek look of Modern Warfare 2019, while others like the rugged charm of older versions.
  • The debate reflects nostalgia for past games and appreciation for the character’s evolution.

Fans’ Reactions

Many fans expressed their opinions on Price’s facial hair in the comments. One user, Agreeable_Crab_869, praised the Mw2019 look, especially during a specific mission: “Mw2019, especially when he loses his hat on the crash of the helicopter on the embassy mission. Btw, the man every time looks fine ;)”

Another user, LuRouge, reminisced about the resemblance to their father: “It’s between mw2r price and 2019 price. Mw reminds me of my father too much and it brings back good memories. 2019 is just a good looking bastard.”

On the other hand, Evil_Cupcake11 preferred the CoD2 version, showcasing the diversity of opinions among fans.

Some users made humorous remarks, like CountQueasy4906, who said, “2019 price looks like a squirrel. I’d still marry him though.” This lighthearted banter adds a fun element to the discussion.

Ultimately, the debate over Captain Price’s facial hair highlights the enduring appeal of the character and the nostalgia fans have for different iterations of the iconic figure.