Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Campaign Review – Is it Really Phenomenal?

Explore the sentiments of players as they rate the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare campaign. Phenomenal or underwhelming?

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Jarvis the NPC

This post dives deep into the community’s thoughts on the campaign of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Users share their ratings and opinions on the story, gameplay, sound design, visuals, combat, and world design.


  • Players love the story’s premise with Atlas taking control but criticize the cardboard world design.
  • The sound design and visuals receive high praise, especially the 3D audio and character design.
  • Gameplay is a highlight with new mechanics like exo movement, although some find it lacking in innovation.
  • Kevin Spacey’s performance as the villain receives mixed reviews, with some enjoying his portrayal.

Kevin Spacey: The Game Changer

Several users appreciate Kevin Spacey’s role in the game, citing his performance as a standout aspect. His portrayal as the villain adds depth to the story, creating a memorable experience for players.

Gameplay Mechanics: A Fresh Take

Many comments highlight the innovative gameplay mechanics, such as the exo movement and traversal options. Players find the new abilities refreshing and engaging, enhancing their overall gaming experience.

Visual Delights and Disappointments

The game’s visuals receive contrasting opinions, with praise for character design but criticism for textures lacking detail. The cinematic cutscenes impress players, setting a high standard for graphical fidelity in the game.

Players commend the sound design for its immersive experience, with 3D audio and stellar voice acting contributing to the game’s atmosphere.

Combat mechanics are well-received, with players enjoying the fast-paced action and tech implementations. The combat flow and weapon mechanics enhance the gameplay, keeping players hooked.

In conclusion, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare generates mixed reactions among players, with the campaign’s narrative, gameplay mechanics, and visual presentation being key points of discussion. While some applaud the immersive experience and standout performances, others critique aspects like world design and predictability in the storyline, shaping diverse opinions within the gaming community.