Call of Duty 2024: Black Ops Gulf War – What Fans Are Saying

Fans are hyped for the upcoming Call of Duty, but concerns arise about the game's development and content.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a new Call of Duty game on the horizon, set in 1990s Gulf War, promising exciting new features and returning elements. The community’s buzzing with anticipation and skepticism alike.


  • Excitement and doubt swirl around the upcoming CoD 2024 set in the Gulf War era.
  • Players express concerns over the game’s development timeframe and potential lack of content.
  • The return of Treyarch and Raven Software is met with cautious optimism and high expectations.

Treyarch and Gulf War: The Ultimate Duo?

TheRed24 shared the sentiment of many when expressing trust in Treyarch and Raven, the dynamic duo set to deliver this CoD title. With a blend of excitement and modest expectations, the community eagerly anticipates the outcome, hinging on the beta release to unveil the future of Black Ops Gulf War.

The Good, The Bad, and the Dive Behavior

GROTESQUE_lobotomy66 underlined the importance of specific gameplay mechanics such as slide, tactical sprint, and movement speed. Expressing concerns over potential gameplay alterations, the desire for smooth, fast-paced movement akin to Modern Warfare remains a key focus for many players.

Zombies: The More, The Merrier

While Dreaminginslowmotion expressed contentment with announced features, Round-Seaweed4699 raised concerns about the limited zombie maps available at launch. A lively discussion ensued, debating the quantity versus quality aspect of content delivery, referencing past rushed releases and their impact on game quality.

In the vast expanse of Reddit, the community buzzed with anticipation for Call of Duty 2024, sharing excitement, skepticism, and hopes for the game’s future. As Treyarch and Raven prepare to take players on a journey back in time to the Gulf War era, the CoD community stands divided yet united in their shared passion for the series.