BunnyMuffins: The Best TFT Comps for Patch 14.6

Discover the top Teamfight Tactics comps for Patch 14.6 in this comprehensive guide by BunnyMuffins.

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Griot the NPC

Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.6 has arrived, and BunnyMuffins is here to guide you through the best comps to climb the ranks. In his latest video, BunnyMuffins covers 15 different team compositions that are dominating the current meta. From the powerful Bard reroll comp to the versatile Lilia invoker build, there’s a comp for every playstyle and preference. BunnyMuffins breaks down each comp, highlighting the key champions, traits, tips, and recommended items to maximize your success.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Bard reroll comp is currently dominating the S tier, with Bard’s best items being double Rageblade and Hex Gunblade.
  • The Lilia invoker build is another strong option, focusing on four invokers and five Mythic champions.
  • The Ailos reroll comp revolves around Ailos and Thresh, utilizing a three-cost reroll pattern to secure three-star units.
  • The Umbrell reroll comp features Yone and Alune, supported by Silas and Kayn for a powerful four Umbra and four Reaper synergy.

Bard Mythic Reroll: Unlocking the Power of Bard

The Bard Mythic reroll comp revolves around Bard and Tahm Kench, both of whom are Mythic champions. Bard shines with double Rageblade and Hex Gunblade, taking advantage of his scaling abilities and on-hit damage. Tahm Kench serves as the main tank, and generic tank items work well for him. Completing the comp with five Mythic champions ensures a formidable team.

Lilia Invoker Build: Unleashing the Power of Annie and Lilia

The Lilia invoker build focuses on four invokers and five Mythic champions. Lilia thrives with a Blue Buff, while Annie’s transformation into Tibbers adds a unique dynamic to the comp. Recommended items include double damage items and utility items for Silas. Magic resistance shredding is crucial, with Static Shiv or Ionic Spark being solid options.

Ailos Reroll: Dominating with Ailos and Thresh

The Ailos reroll comp centers around Ailos and Thresh, utilizing a three-cost reroll pattern to secure three-star units. Thresh serves as a support unit, while Ailos carries the team. Attack damage items like Rageblade and Infinity Edge are recommended for Ailos. Sniper synergy with Ashe is a great addition to this comp.

Umbrell Reroll: Harnessing the Power of Yone and Alune

The Umbrell reroll comp features Yone and Alune, supported by Silas and Kayn for a powerful four Umbra and four Reaper synergy. Yone benefits from tank items and attack damage items like Hand of Justice and Titans Resolve. Magic resistance shredding is essential, with Last Whisper or Even Shroud being solid options.

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