BunnyMuffins: How to Play EVERY Encounter in 45 Minutes

Learn how to navigate every encounter in the game with BunnyMuffins' helpful tips and tricks. Improve your gameplay and climb the ranks!

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Griot the NPC

In BunnyMuffins’ latest video, he provides a comprehensive guide on how to play every encounter in the game. With over 100 encounters to navigate, BunnyMuffins shares valuable tips and tricks to help players optimize their gameplay and climb the ranks. The encounters can offer different choices and buffs based on the stage of the game, making it crucial to make the right decisions. Whether you’re low on health, in need of gold, or looking for item components, BunnyMuffins breaks down the best strategies for each scenario.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Choose health, gold, or item components based on your current situation and stage of the game
  • Consider the impact on your overall strategy when making encounter decisions
  • Focus on upgrading your strongest units and prioritize items accordingly
  • Be aware of the different effects and buffs offered by each encounter


Atrox offers a choice of player health, gold, or item components. The decision depends on your current health, gold situation, and the stage of the game. In the early game, gold is more valuable, while in the late game, player health and item components become more important.


Ari’s encounters offer increased player health and combat blessings. These encounters are more beneficial for players focusing on early-game strategies and economy building. However, they can still be useful in other situations, depending on your overall game plan.


Alon’s encounters add completed items to each champion on the carousel. It’s important to consider your team composition and itemization strategy when choosing items from the carousel. Think about itemizing multiple units and maximizing your overall team strength.


Azir’s encounters grant free rolls and move component anvils to random rounds. Utilize the free rolls strategically and save them for when you would normally roll. Adjust your leveling and rolling timings to take full advantage of these encounters.


Bard’s encounters offer level ups and combat blessings. The choice depends on your current game plan and overall strategy. Consider your economy and leveling goals when deciding between a level up or extra gold.


Caitlyn’s encounters grant free rerolls, which can be valuable for players focusing on reroll strategies. Utilize the free rerolls to find the units you need and complete your desired team composition.


Chogath’s encounters offer champion duplicators and buffs for different tier champions. Consider your current team composition and desired unit upgrades when choosing between the different buff options.


Darius’ encounters provide loot drops from enemy champions. These encounters are beneficial for players focusing on win streaks and can provide additional rewards to boost your overall economy and itemization.


Diana’s encounters allow you to sell units and convert completed items into components. This can be useful when pivoting your team composition or optimizing your itemization. Consider your current unit strengths and item needs when utilizing this encounter.


Evelynn’s encounters offer treasure armories that can be rerolled for better rewards. Utilize the rerolls strategically to maximize the value of the armories and optimize your overall itemization.


Fizz’s encounters provide extra gold or item removers. Consider your current gold situation and item needs when choosing between the two options. Utilize the item removers strategically to optimize your itemization and make room for better items.


Garen’s encounters offer buffs to champion purchases or gold rewards. Consider your current game plan and economy when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that aligns with your overall strategy and goals.


Janna’s encounters grant support items or champion upgrades. Consider your team composition and item needs when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best complements your current team strategy.


Karma’s encounters offer radiant items or artifact items. Consider your team composition and itemization strategy when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best enhances your overall team strength.


Kayle’s encounters grant bonus experience or additional support items. Consider your current leveling strategy and overall game plan when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that aligns with your desired level timings and team composition.

Lee Sin:

Lee Sin’s encounters provide a choice between gold or champion upgrades. Consider your current gold situation and desired unit upgrades when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best aligns with your overall game plan and strategy.


Lucian’s encounters grant gold or item upgrades. Consider your current gold situation and item needs when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best enhances your overall team strength.


Nidalee’s encounters offer enchantments or additional training dummies. Consider your current team composition and desired unit upgrades when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best aligns with your overall game plan and strategy.


Teemo’s encounters provide augment upgrades or additional gold. Consider your overall game plan and desired augment upgrades when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best enhances your team composition and strategy.


Yasuo’s encounters offer a choice between gold or champion upgrades. Consider your current gold situation and desired unit upgrades when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best aligns with your overall game plan and desired team composition.


Zed’s encounters grant support items or champion upgrades. Consider your team composition and item needs when choosing between the two options. Prioritize the option that best enhances your overall team strength and strategy.

BunnyMuffins’ video provides valuable insights on how to navigate every encounter in the game. By understanding the different choices and buffs offered by each encounter, players can optimize their gameplay and make informed decisions to climb the ranks. Whether you’re focusing on economy building, reroll strategies, or specific team compositions, BunnyMuffins’ tips and tricks will help you improve your overall performance and achieve success in the game.