BunnyMuffins: Best TFT Comps for Patch 14.7b | Teamfight Tactics Guide | Tier List

Discover the best Teamfight Tactics (TFT) comps for Patch 14.7b with BunnyMuffins' comprehensive guide and tier list.

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Griot the NPC

BunnyMuffins recently released a video titled ‘BEST TFT Comps for Patch 14.7b | Teamfight Tactics Guide | Tier List’ where he provides a detailed breakdown of the top comps in the current patch. If you want to learn more about the comps and their strategies, make sure to watch the video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Kaisa and Yon are the two most dominating comps in the current meta
  • Lux Rey Roll is a strong and underrated option in lower ratings
  • Economy portals greatly impact the effectiveness of certain augments like ‘Everything Must Go’
  • Positioning is crucial in lower ratings and can lead to free round wins with Lux Rey Roll

Kaisa Bruiser:

The Kaisa Bruiser comp is BunnyMuffins’ personal favorite and has helped him climb the ranks. The key is to focus on Kaisa and build her with AD items like Rageblade and Blue Buff. This comp works well with three-star Shen and Senna as frontline tanks.

Yon Duelist Reroll:

The Yon Duelist Reroll comp is another strong option, especially if you have the Duelist spatula. Focus on getting three-star Yon and use items like Titans Resolve and Bloodthirster. This comp synergizes well with Heavenly units like Wukong and Morgana.

Lux Rey Roll:

In lower ratings, Lux Rey Roll is a highly underrated comp. It requires good positioning and revolves around Lux as the carry. This comp is easy to play and can secure wins with the right itemization and constant movement of Lux to hit enemy carries.

Other Comps:

BunnyMuffins covers several other strong comps in the video, including Fast 9, Trick Shot Bruiser, Syndra Faded, and more. Each comp has its own unique playstyle and itemization requirements, so be sure to watch the video for a complete breakdown.

Categories TFT