BunnyMuffins: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best TFT Comps in Set 9.5 Patch 13.20b

Discover the top Teamfight Tactics (TFT) compositions in the 9.5 patch with BunnyMuffins' detailed guide.

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Teamfight Tactics (TFT) players looking for the best comps in the 9.5 patch will find BunnyMuffins’ latest video guide extremely helpful. With a focus on the current meta snapshot, BunnyMuffins provides a comprehensive overview of the strongest compositions and how to play them.

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Key Takeaways

  • Multi-casters and Demacia are currently the go-to comps in the S-tier.
  • Vertical Noxus and Azir Flex are strong A-tier comps.
  • Earth and Twisted Fate are recommended for players seeking versatility.
  • Other notable comps include Ashe Reroll, Neeko Invokers, Void Reroll, and Gunner Reroll.

Multi-casters Reroll

Multi-casters are currently the best comp in the meta, offering both ease of play and high effectiveness. Utilize Twisted Fate, Talia, and Galio as key units, and focus on acquiring Pandora’s items to ensure success.


Demacia is a powerful comp that excels with Demacia Crest and RFC on Mordekaiser. Achieving a 9-unit Demacia build grants immense power and is considered one of the strongest comps in the game.

Vertical Noxus

Vertical Noxus is a strong comp, especially when paired with the Earth trait. This build benefits from early Noxus units to snowball the game, with Mordekaiser and Azir as primary carries.

Azir Flex

Azir Flex is a versatile comp that pairs well with various front-line units. Nasus, Azir, and Jarvan are key champions, and items like Rageblade and Nashor’s Tooth are recommended for Azir.

Ashe Reroll

Ashe Reroll is a powerful comp that requires the Ionia spatula to unlock its full potential. Focus on obtaining a 3-star Ashe and leverage the strength of Twisted Fate and other Ionia units.

Neeko Invokers

Neeko Invokers is an enjoyable comp that can be either incredibly strong or weak depending on luck. Saraka or Karma can serve as primary carries, and the build revolves around finding Neeko and ramping up items.

Void Reroll

Void Reroll is a variation of the Cho’Gath Reroll comp and can be a viable option in certain situations. Focus on obtaining Cho’Gath, Kha’Zix, and Vel’Koz to maximize the build’s potential.

Gunner Reroll

Gunner Reroll is a powerful comp that revolves around Jinx and Jayce. Utilize a rolling strategy to find three-star versions of these units, and build items like Giant Slayer and RFC to optimize their performance.

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