Bringing Joy: Genshin Impact Players Marvel at Arlecchino’s Walk Animation

Witness the community's awe as they discover the nuances in Arlecchino's combat moves in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are enraptured by the subtle elegance in Arlecchino’s walk animation, discovering new joys with each attack.


  • Players are amazed by the intricate walk animation of Arlecchino, finding it both elegant and immersive.
  • The details in her attack string and spear twisting animation add depth to her combat prowess.
  • Community members express delight in pulling for Arlecchino despite not obtaining her weapon, showcasing her appeal beyond gameplay effectiveness.


I love how during phase 1 one of her attacks is just her normal attack string, adding a delightful touch to her combat style.


It made me think I had stick drift the first time it happened, a hilarious moment that turned into appreciation for the animation.


Yes, it looks really elegant. The Dragonspine’s background music track is an unexpected but enjoyable addition to the experience.


The spear twisting animation complements Arlecchino’s style seamlessly, enhancing the overall visual appeal of her moves.

kociee’s hypothetical scenario sparks a humorous discussion among users, blending imagination with the game’s world.

karillith’s appreciation for the animator’s attention to detail highlights the community’s admiration for the artistry behind Arlecchino.

Lucklesspedestrian’s comment adds a playful tone to the conversation, acknowledging the character’s design choices with humor.

Friends_with_a_simp’s emotive response showcases the emotional connection players feel towards Arlecchino, transcending mere gameplay mechanics.