Breaking into ‘League of Legends’: Advice from the Community for New Players

Deep dive into the world of League of Legends, steering fresh players to their champion niche and perfect gameplay using cues from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Newcomers to the colossal gaming world of ‘League of Legends’ often face the challenge of figuring out suitable gameplay strategies, meta champions, and the intricacies of speed dynamics. One such newbie, christened ‘Hummmus2006’ online, recently turned to the gaming community for some much-needed guidance.


  • ‘Meta’ may not be as crucial as newbies might consider.
  • Exposure to a range of characters can lead to discovery of personal preferences.
  • Swift attack and motion are variable across champions.
  • Extreme suggestions of ‘uninstalling’ litter the digital space.

Diverse Champions and Finding a Fit:

Stepping into the League for the first time might fill one with a sense of curiosity and predictably, confusion! According to Aezorion, our new player’s focus should shift from fretting about ‘meta’ champs to playful exploration. The key is to encounter varied characters until something clicks. That sounds like a thrilling marathon, doesn’t it?

Speed Pharmacology in ‘League of Legends’:

The speed conundrum is uncharted territory for rookies navigating through the League. Aezorion clears the fog, saying that while some champs attack fast and vice versa, movement speed is generally equivalent, with unimpressive deviations. Looks like our newbie has a long road ahead before nailing the dynamics of speed in the chamption realm!

Uninstall and Escape: The Running Gag?

The ‘League of Legends’ community, famed for its sharp, uncensored humour, relishes advising newbies to uninstall and hit the escape button. This satirical piece of advice, as seen in posts by avidcule and Legitimate-Site588, reflects the arduous gameplay journey. Is this part of the initiation, a running gag, or both? You decide!

Making Heads or Tails of the League:

Get back to basics and take one step at a time – that’s what ZmentAdverti‘s advice boils down to. Newbies should first identify which role they want to play. A little hand-holding from a seasoned friend certainly won’t hurt either. The universe of ‘League of Legends’ might be mighty, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to conquer!

As our friend Hummmus2006 ventures deeper into the League, the mantra of the game emerges – there’s a learning curve for sure, but the fun lies in the journey. So, to all budding gamers, take it one champion at a time, humor the occasional uninstall advice, but never forget – your game, your rules.