Breaking Down the Strategy: Smokes on the Spike in Valorant

Discover the best practices for using smokes on the spike in Valorant for both attackers and defenders.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players are diving deep into the tactical intricacies of using smokes on the spike. Let’s delve into the discussion!


  • Attacking Vipers should consider using smokes with mollies
  • Defenders should strategically smoke to create confusion
  • One-way smokes can be crucial in certain situations

Insights on Smoking the Spike

Amongusred23 suggests smoking the spike when defending to gain a peek advantage

The Defender’s Approach

Johnjunction advocates for using smokes to maintain ambiguity while defending

Attackers’ Strategy

Andriod1523 highlights the importance of smoking teammates as an attacker

Consider the Counter

KrillLover56 warns against overusing smokes on the spike as attackers