Breaking Down the Hottest Brawl Stars Tier List Debate

Find out why the Brawl Stars community is buzzing about the latest tier list changes!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Brawl Stars subreddit is abuzz with chatter about the latest tier list shakeup that has players divided.


  • Players express frustration over favorite brawlers falling in tiers.
  • The community debates the sudden rise of certain brawlers like Byron.
  • Nita enthusiasts rejoice at her newfound meta status.

Rubbish Brawler or Hidden Gem?

RoyalBlue005 mourns the fall of Trash Tier brawler with a tinge of humor.

The Great Byron Debate

LightningBoat questions the quick shift of Byron from C to S tier, pondering about meta dynamics.

Player Sentiments on Tier Changes

RoyDaKoppaBoy vents his frustration at not having maxed S tier brawlers yet, reflecting a common sentiment within the community.