Breaking Down Ferry’s Design Woes in Granblue Fantasy: A Cry for Identity

Delve into the community's dissatisfaction with Ferry's character design in Granblue Fantasy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy is home to a myriad of unique characters with diverse playstyles, but one character, in particular, has been stirring up some controversy lately. Asmodyan, a dedicated player, recently shared concerns about Ferry’s effectiveness and design choices.


  • Ferry’s reliance on pets and charged attacks limits her gameplay potential.
  • Players find her mechanics unsatisfying compared to other characters.
  • The community seeks a revamp of Ferry’s identity to make her more engaging and unique.

Disappointing Mechanics

Asmodyan points out that Ferry’s playstyle is heavily centered around managing her pets and utilizing charged attacks, but the lackluster damage output hinders the overall experience. The interaction with her pets feels lackluster and fails to provide significant gameplay benefits compared to characters like Katalina or Seofon.

Community Dissatisfaction

Comments from players echo Asmodyan’s sentiments, expressing frustration with Ferry’s underwhelming performance. One player, FamiliarArtichoke, laments the damage cap limitation that diminishes the satisfaction of executing Ferry’s combos. The gameplay loop, while initially promising, falls short due to the inefficacy of key abilities.

Call for Change

Players like Eirian21165 appreciate the unique aspects of Ferry’s playstyle, such as positioning for charged attacks, but acknowledge the lack of effectiveness in practice. The community resoundingly calls for a rework of Ferry’s kit to imbue her with a stronger identity and more impactful gameplay mechanics.

Ragito024 draws comparisons to other characters like Rosetta and Vane, highlighting the disparities in character effectiveness and balance. The collective voice of the Granblue Fantasy community demands attention to Ferry’s design flaws and advocates for improvements that align her gameplay with the game’s overall standard of quality.