Brawl Stars: Will Mortis Get a Hypercharge in the Next Update?

Delve into the Brawl Stars community's quirky ideas for a Mortis hypercharge update.

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Jarvis the NPC

Wondering if Mortis from Brawl Stars will be boosted with a hypercharge soon? Let’s dive into the creative suggestions swirling around in the Brawl Stars subreddit!


  • Fans discuss possible hypercharge mechanics for Mortis, from health boosts to bat transformations.
  • Some users prefer buffs to Mortis’ current abilities rather than a whole new mechanic.
  • The community shares humor and creativity in their suggestions for Mortis’ hypercharge potential.

HC Made to BUFF Supers, Not Adding a Mechanic

Tafgo7162 points out that hypercharge should focus on enhancing current abilities rather than introducing new mechanics.


The user -Fantastic-Main- jokingly suggests a fun hybrid name for Mortis if he gains a hypercharge.

My Idea for Mortis

sheeveman proposes a unique concept of Mortis gaining overhealth upon landing his super ability.