Brawl Stars: We’ve All Been There – Hilarious Moments and Frustrating Fails

Join the Brawl Stars community as they share their most hilarious moments and frustrating fails in this epic compilation!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever played a game that made you laugh so hard you nearly fell off your chair? Well, the Brawl Stars community certainly has! In a recent Reddit post titled ‘We’ve all been there’, user CertifiedRizzler shared an epic video compilation of hilarious moments and frustrating fails in the popular mobile game Brawl Stars.


  • The video showcases funny and relatable moments that every Brawl Stars player has experienced.
  • Players in the comments express their amusement and share their own similar experiences.
  • Some highlights from the comments include phrases like ‘perfect timing’, ‘we are finished’, and ‘got me dying’.

The Brawl Stars Rollercoaster:

The video starts with a bang, showing an intense battle between two teams. Just when you think one team is about to secure a victory, the music suddenly stops, and both teams freeze in hilarious synchronization. Users in the comments couldn’t help but laugh at this unexpected twist. User TheAbsoluteKiller commented, ‘That was perfect timing lamo’.

As the video progresses, we witness epic fails and near misses that are both frustrating and hilarious at the same time. User IZL3614 shared their frustration, saying, ‘How did that not go in, the ball looked like it had so much more momentum left’.

A Rollercoaster of Emotions:

One of the most relatable moments in the video occurs when a player exclaims, ‘Wallahi we are finished’, conveying a sense of defeat that every gamer has experienced at some point. User Revolutionary-Pin495 couldn’t help but relate, saying, ‘”Wallahi we are finished” ahh moment’.

On the other hand, there are moments in the video that are so funny they make you cry with laughter. User MayonnaiseMonkey1 shared their reaction, stating, ‘The way they stopped when the music stopped got me dying 😭🤚’.

The Importance of Music:

One recurring theme in the video is the impact of music on gameplay. User FurretGoesGaming pointed out the significance of the background music in one particular moment, saying, ‘Primary 3 ahh music’.

Another user, Eminemgody, hilariously remarked, ‘That happened to the enemy. 🤐🫡’, indicating that the embarrassing moments captured in the video are not exclusive to one team.

The Unpredictability of Brawl Stars:

One of the great things about Brawl Stars is its unpredictable nature. No matter how skilled or experienced a player is, there will always be those moments that leave you shaking your head in disbelief. User HaniehP summed it up perfectly, stating, ‘It’s the canon event’.

Overall, this video compilation demonstrates the unique blend of frustration and hilarity that Brawl Stars brings to its players. It’s a game that keeps you on your toes and offers both heart-pounding excitement and side-splitting laughter.