Brawl Stars: Supercell’s Controversial Nerf and Player Backlash

Supercell's latest move in Brawl Stars has left players frustrated. What's the community's take on the massive progression nerf?

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is abuzz with discontent as players express their frustration over Supercell’s recent decision to remove the free hypercharge without offering any compensation.


  • Players feel cheated by the massive progression nerf.
  • Many suggest compensatory measures like free hypercharges or quest rewards.
  • The community questions Supercell’s definition of “easier” and “faster” progression.

Players’ Perspectives

Players like Buzz_lover advocate for giving old players a free token to claim a hypercharge of their choice as compensation for the removal of the free hypercharge event.

azzadruiz expresses disappointment with Supercell’s decision, criticizing the removal of the event and its impact on player progression.

Community Response

TheRealJpp criticizes Supercell for allegedly prioritizing community events over player rewards, preferring regular hypercharge rewards over random events.

Sam_Thee_Man_ points out a tweet by Dani suggesting that rewards will be distributed in other ways, hinting at upcoming events like squad busters as a source of compensation.