Brawl Stars: Selling Brawler Items – A Bright Idea or Negative Progression?

Exploring the Reddit community's mixed reactions to the proposed Brawler item selling feature in Brawl Stars.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars fans are abuzz with mixed feelings about an intriguing idea shared on Reddit…


  • Players love the concept of selling Brawler items for a chance to undo misclicks.
  • Concerns arise about potential abuse of the system without limits on item sales.
  • Comparisons to other games like Hearthstone spark interest in the proposal.

Great Idea or Potential Pitfall?

Reddit user GriffSuper hails the Brawler item selling feature as a ‘Great Idea’…

Players’ Dilemma

User Bhavs– warns of potential abuse if there are no limits set on the number of item sales…

Mixed Analogies

External_Warthog_451 praises the proposed system as ‘the smartest thing’…

Life_Journalist_5522 suggests keeping the resale value within a specific range…

akiius draws parallels to Hearthstone’s system, seeing potential in the idea…