Brawl Stars Reddit: Charlie is Still Standing!

Discover the heated debate behind Charlie's standing in the latest Brawl Stars meta with the Reddit community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is a society of sophisticated brawler aficionados, each with fevered opinions and yoyo-fueled battles.


  • Willow’s fleeting hope. Smh.
  • Colette’s rollercoaster ride to the top. Nerfs can’t hold her down!
  • Yoyo taunts and F-tier woes. A brawler’s fate hangs by a thread.
  • El Primo meta dreams. The awaited luchador showdown.

Willow’s Brawler Hopes

Subject_Pain5186’s aspirations for Willow, only to be dashed within seconds, leaving a lingering smh and a heart emoji.

Colette’s Rollercoaster

Colette_haha’s emotional journey through 10 nerfs to brawler glory. Tears of joy?

Yoyo Taunts and F-Tier Woes

Nergalis’ intense yoyo showdown and DarkSgabello’s sorrow as nerfs plunge a brawler into obscurity.

El Primo’s Luchador Dream

Metson-202’s yearning for the rise of El Primo as the next meta sensation, brawler showdowns incoming!

AndreHSD’s insightful take on Melodie and Angelo’s dominance, posing a challenge to the established brawler hierarchy. Can anyone counter Angelo?

Placek15’s short and poignant wish amidst the chaotic brawler battle. The plea for change resonates within the arena.