Brawl Stars: Ranking Up with Only Frank – What the Community Thinks

Find out the potential ranking possibilities by playing with Frank alone according to Brawl Stars players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered how far you could climb in Brawl Stars using only Frank? The community is here to share their experiences and insights on this intriguing question.


  • Players believe reaching higher ranks like Mythic or Diamond with Frank is possible with good teamwork.
  • The open map pool can make it challenging to climb above certain ranks without strong support.
  • Some players have achieved impressive ranks like Masters and Mythic with Frank, showcasing the character’s potential.

Players’ Insights

Alternative_Pancake shared their experience, stating that they reached Bronze 1 with a Power 7 Frank, highlighting the character’s effectiveness.

ViridianBS mentioned achieving Rank 30 in the current meta with Frank, indicating the character’s adaptability to different playstyles.

RedFlames84 hit Bronze 1 at Rank 20, showcasing the consistent performance of Frank in lower ranks.

Community Reactions

Squebify mentioned helping a friend reach Masters with Frank, humorously implying the skill level of players in the Legendary tier.

ElPrimoBSreal expressed confidence in aiming for Mythic with Frank if they have good teammates to support them.

ReaPeR_the_mighty discussed the challenges of climbing past Mythic due to the map pool’s openness, emphasizing the importance of teamwork.

hiposz shared their success in reaching Diamond with Frank, underscoring the character’s potential in higher-ranked gameplay.

Covering various perspectives and experiences, the Brawl Stars community demonstrates the diverse strategies and challenges players face when climbing ranks with Frank alone.