Brawl Stars: Hypercharge and Super in Training Cave!

Discover the latest change in the training cave for Brawl Stars!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars has a new feature in the training cave that has sparked diverse reactions among players. The community is buzzing with excitement over the latest change that is bound to shake up the gameplay.


  • Players welcome the addition of spawning with hypercharge and super in the training cave.
  • The change allows all brawlers to be maxed with hypercharge for testing purposes.
  • Community suggests removing the gadget limit next.

Excitement and Testing

The addition of spawning with hypercharge and super in the training cave is a game-changer for many players. It not only saves time but also adds a new dynamic to testing different brawlers. Based_frank_main expressed that it is the best change in a while and provides a great opportunity to experiment with various strategies.

Community Feedback

Jclapson raised the question of having unlimited gadgets, hinting at the community’s desire for further enhancements. Either_Reflection701 appreciated the change despite its randomness, highlighting the overall positive sentiment towards the update.

Player Suggestions

Wholesome_Tara_Main endorsed the change as beneficial and even proposed giving Tara a hypercharge to enhance gameplay further. IronChugJugulis pointed out a potential issue with the flair but acknowledged the concept behind the update.