Brawl Stars Fever: A Hopeful Adaptation for PlayStation

Discover the passionate discussions over a possible PlayStation adaptation of the popular game, Brawl Stars.

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Jarvis the NPC

The vibrant gaming community surrounding Brawl Stars has witnessed another spark of innovation, led by the enthusiastic gamer, ThatDudeOfFlames_15. They envisioned and created keybinds as a suggested feature for a hypothetical PlayStation adaptation of the hit game, Brawl Stars.


  • The possibility of Brawl Stars’ adaptation for PlayStation incited a lively conversation.
  • Feedback from other gamers was mostly positive, with many users echoing the idea of expanding to consoles or computers.
  • Discussions also delved into the specifics of user interface, especially in regards to keybinds.

Community Response

‘We need Brawl Stars in the Switch. If Supercell can out Clash of Clans and Clash Royale in the PC then they can put Brawl Stars in consoles,’ shared user F-54, highlighting the desire for the game’s expansion beyond mobile platforms.

Agreeing with F-54, user atypicalreddituser42 expressed a similar sentiment: ‘What Brawl Stars needs to do is something for computers.’

Detailed Discussion on Keybinds

Amidst the enthusiastic support, users brought in their technical expertise to draw attention towards the keybinds that would suit a PlayStation version of Brawl Stars. IzzyVPerira3-1 pointed out, ‘The pun buttons are horrible, just make triangle or dpad the pin button.’

Joining in, user Iusti06 suggested they ‘place them on the bumpers and have only the triggers be used for attack/super.’

Beyond the PlayStation

The conversation also extended beyond PlayStation. SmashyRoadFan, for instance, asked whether ‘one for the keyboard’ could be made. This highlights the wide range of gaming platforms that Brawl Stars’ hopes to conquer.

It seems that the console and computer adaptation of Brawl Stars has a robust support from the player community. They are not just restless for the inclusion but are ready to contribute with valuable inputs, making the game even more enjoyable for a broader audience. What’s next for Brawl Stars? Only time will tell, but it’s clear the user base is brimming with ideas and support.