Brawl Stars: Changing Brawler Background Colors Based on Rarity – A Colorful Idea!

Exploring changing background colors in Brawl Stars based on brawler rarity - dynamic and refreshing concept!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars enthusiasts are buzzing with excitement over the concept of changing brawler background colors based on rarity. User Psychic146 suggests this simple tweak could inject some much-needed dynamism into the game.


  • Players are intrigued by the idea of personalized background colors for brawlers based on their rarity.
  • Some users appreciate the potential for a visually refreshing change in the game.
  • There are mixed reactions to the suggested color choices, with some finding them appealing while others disagree.

Excitement Over Personalization

The community seems thrilled by the opportunity to add a touch of uniqueness to their brawlers through personalized background colors. User saragossachess expresses genuine enthusiasm for the idea, highlighting its potential to enhance the gaming experience.

Color Controversy

While many users embrace the concept, there is a division regarding the specific color choices. SnapZapS criticizes the yellow background, deeming it horrendous, while others like the idea of custom backgrounds for specific skins, such as MrCheese6969’s suggestion for Dr. Edgar and Flag Piper.

Debate on Game Priorities

Some users, like Stinky_big_toe_yum, believe that addressing more critical issues should take precedence over aesthetic changes. While the concept of personalized background colors excites many, others argue that the development team should focus on resolving pressing gameplay issues first.

Brawl Stars fandom proves once again that even seemingly minor aesthetic changes can spark lively discussions and ignite varying viewpoints within the community. The colorful world of brawlers continues to evolve, inviting players to share their thoughts and ideas, shaping the game’s future one color palette at a time.