Brawl Stars: Baby Brawlers from Squad Busters – A Look at the Young Heroes

What do Brawl Stars players think of the cute baby brawlers from Squad Busters? Let's dive into the Reddit post and comments!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Brawl Stars, the introduction of baby brawlers from Squad Busters has sparked a mix of excitement and curiosity among players. What do they think of these adorable pint-sized heroes? Let’s find out!


  • Players are loving the new baby brawlers, finding them cute and interesting additions to the game.
  • Some fans are speculating on the potential introduction of other young versions of existing heroes.
  • The community is divided on which baby brawler is the cutest, with different favorites emerging.

Mysterious-Let-2405’s Opinion

The post author mentions the source of the baby brawlers and sets the stage for players’ reactions to these new additions.

MyDadAteMyNuts’ Take

One player comments on the uncanny appearance of a certain brawler without their signature beard. Will this change affect the character’s appeal?

popsomecorns’ Speculation

Speculating on the potential introduction of young Jessie, this player wonders how the addition of different generations of heroes will play out.

DiegHDF’s Excitement

Expressing sheer joy, a player gushes over the cuteness of a baby brawler, highlighting the charm these small heroes bring to the game.