Brawl Stars: A Legendary Surprise

Discover the rarest skin in Brawl Stars and the hilarious reactions that followed in this epic Reddit post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is no stranger to surprises, but when a player unexpectedly unlocks one of the rarest skins in the game, the community’s reactions are nothing short of legendary.


  • Unraveling the mystery behind the legendary egg reveal.
  • Players shocked by the rarity of the skin obtained.
  • Hilarious reactions and banter among Brawl Stars fans.

The Legendary Egg

TwoDubs9898 innocently asked to record the opening of a legendary egg, not knowing it would unveil one of the rarest skins in the game. The element of surprise leads to a rollercoaster of emotions within the community.

Rarest of the Rare

Comments like “the rarest thing you can get from eggs btw” by T00b1a5 highlight the astonishment and disbelief at the incredible drop rate of this unique skin. The unexpected nature of the reveal leaves players in awe.

Hilarious Reactions

From mistaking other rare skins for the newly obtained one to joking about detention, the community’s humorous responses, like RoyDaKoppaBoy’s “Bros about to go to detention,” create a light-hearted atmosphere surrounding the reveal.

Players like jakethe5nake926 and Latter_Bar6782 share their own experiences with rare skins, solidifying a sense of camaraderie among those fortunate enough to possess them. The fun doesn’t stop there, with comments like Epicswagmaster5439’s observations adding to the amusement of the situation.