Boost Your Valorant Gameplay: Astra’s Pickrate Analysis

Discover why Astra struggles in Valorant as redditors share insights on her pickrate and potential improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Wondering why Astra’s not seeing much gameplay action in Valorant? Let’s dive into the community’s thoughts and suggestions!


  • Astra’s lack of popularity stems from her complex mechanics and high skill ceiling.
  • Players suggest adjusting her utility usage to make her more viable in competitive play.
  • Comparisons to other agents like Omen highlight the ease of use issues with Astra.

Solving the Pickrate Mystery

One community member, sussycrew22, kicked off the discussion by questioning Astra’s pickrate and her absence from VCT matches. ThestorSeleukos pointed out the scarcity of Astra’s utility hindered her strategic versatility, proposing more smokes or pulls to balance her kit.

Community Insights

radical_rapture suggested lowering the orb requirements of cosmic divide to make it more accessible, while mystsilverwastaken_ humorously noted the quick exits from Astra lobbies. Some users, like Gadgetbot, highlighted the current dominance of Omen over Astra due to the latter’s lower impact and setup time.

Unraveling Astra’s Complexity

Players like Siiilencee shed light on Astra’s complexity, citing her demanding playstyle and need for precise communication. mystsilverwastaken_ succinctly labeled Astra as ‘Bad after the nerf,’ reflecting the community’s mixed sentiments.

Goldenflame89 emphasized the importance of team coordination when utilizing Astra’s abilities, highlighting the agent’s reliance on teamwork for optimal performance.

Verdict from the Pros

UnderstandingBusy278 shared a positive perspective on Astra, lauding her utility and situational awareness required for effective play. The player expressed satisfaction at Astra’s impact in high-level gameplay, advocating for her unique strengths.

SwingyWingyShoes wistfully recalled Astra’s past glory with six stars, hinting at the changes that have impacted the agent’s current standing in Valorant.

Exploring the nuances of Astra’s gameplay sheds light on the challenges and potential improvements that could enhance her pickrate and overall impact in the competitive scene. While opinions vary, the community’s input provides valuable insights into Astra’s role in Valorant’s evolving meta.