Boost Your Play in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) with Insights from the Lucky ‘Instant 3*’ Event

Unpacking the hype around TFT’s highly improbable ‘Instant 3*’ event, the community reactions & strategies that got triggered off from it.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a surreal stroke of luck, a player of Team Fight Tactics (TFT) encountered what can only be dubbed the ‘Instant 3*’. This rare chain of events quite literally shook the TFT subreddit and triggered off a flurry of comments, advice, and thinly veiled envy.


  • The ‘Instant 3*’ event sparked a lively debate and exchange of tips among the community.
  • Many users queried the possibility of such an event, indicating its unlikely probability.
  • User strategies and experiences were shared as a direct result of this incident.

Community Reactions

User “Vlademir35″ exhibited good-natured envy stating, \”You ain’t getting that same luck for a hundred games or more bro. Must have felt good tho, did you win?\” It’s clear that the rarity of the ‘Instant 3*’ event was appreciated, and the call to share the end result of the game was warmly welcomed.

User strategies and tips

“StillNotTheFatherB” shared his own experience of a similar luck-laden event. His recount includes the RNG heavy Loot Subscription portal, which handed him a 2 star Karthus while he possessed an Edgelord Viego. He seems to see it as earned karma for voting against the Loot Subscription portal, which is famously conjectured to be a game of chance.

The Debate

While many players were excited about the incident, questions were raised on its feasibility. User “meatyminus” was quick to ask, \”Round 9-1?? How?\” This seemingly echoed the disbelief and awe surrounding the chances of such an occurrence. “willalalala,” another user, added to this by questioning the mechanics, wondering aloud how a player received a headliner despite possessing a 2-star of the same character.

This extraordinary event in a TFT game has done more than just provoking envy. It has led to user interactions, strategy sharing, and sparking debates on mechanics – a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the gaming community. Cheers to more such ‘unexpected’ additions shaking up the world of TFT!

Categories TFT