Black Manta: The Controversy Within the Suicide Squad Gaming Community

Black Manta is a hot topic in the Suicide Squad gaming community. Fans debate his potential addition to the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Suicide Squad gaming community is buzzing with excitement and speculation about the possible inclusion of Black Manta in the game. With Episode 2 on the horizon and the recent Black Manta gear reveal, players are eager to see their favorite DC character come to life in the game.


  • Players are divided on the likelihood of Black Manta being added to the game, with some expressing disappointment over potential missed opportunities.
  • Speculation around upcoming seasons and character additions adds to the anticipation within the community.
  • The debate over whether the game should have focused more on story instead of being a live service continues to spark discussions.

Community Reactions

CAsterXCameron expressed their desire for more story content in Episode 1 and questioned the direction of the game as a live service.

Unluckyescapeartiste dashed hopes by hinting at the unlikelihood of Black Manta’s inclusion, prompting disappointment among fans.

Kspoon79 emphasized the challenges of expecting new additions, indicating a tough journey ahead for fans.

Seasonal Speculations

mymantaco shared insights into upcoming seasons, hinting at potential character releases based on player base numbers and fan demand.

A–Ryan raised valid concerns about the release schedule, questioning the credibility of Episode 2’s imminent launch as speculated.

While desires for Black Manta’s introduction run high, fans recognize the complexities of game development and the limitations faced by developers in meeting every player’s expectations. The ongoing discussions and debates around character inclusions and game content highlight the passion and investment of the community in the Suicide Squad gaming world.