Best Genshin Impact Character to Choose: Noelle or Chiori?

Discover why Genshin Impact players are debating between Noelle and Chiori as the ultimate choice.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to deciding between characters in Genshin Impact, players can get quite passionate. In a recent Reddit post titled ‘Which Way, Western Man?’, users were discussing whether to choose Noelle or Chiori for their gameplay.


  • Noelle’s sweetness and protective nature won over many players.
  • Chiori’s cool armor and attitude appealed to those looking for a fierce companion.
  • Some felt torn between the two, appreciating different aspects of each character.

Noelle: The Sweetheart

Many players expressed their love for Noelle, citing her sweet and protective personality as a deciding factor. Users praised her for being a kind and caring character that resonated with them on a personal level.

Chiori: The Fierce Fighter

On the other hand, Chiori’s cool armor and strong attitude captivated players looking for a more aggressive companion. Users admired her fierce nature and appreciated having a powerful ally by their side.

The Dilemma

For some players, the choice between Noelle and Chiori was a tough one. They found themselves torn between Noelle’s endearing qualities and Chiori’s fierce demeanor. Ultimately, players had to weigh the pros and cons of each character to make their decision.

Players in the Genshin Impact community continue to debate the merits of choosing Noelle or Chiori, with each character having a dedicated fanbase rooting for them.