BattleBit Player Insights: A Beginner’s Guide to Health, Armor and Damage

"BattleBit: New player inquires about health, armor, and damage parameters. Here's what the community has to say."

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of “BattleBit”, armor and damage parameters can often get daunting, especially for players just getting their feet wet. As Dazeuh, a new recruit in the game puts it, understanding how the armor system works and how many shots it takes to down an enemy can get spooky.


  • Understanding base health points and armor values are key to survival.
  • Aiming primarily at the arms/legs may make armor less of an issue.
  • Perfecting aim and understanding the implications of armor can turn the tide in your favor.

Cracking the Armor Code

The base health points (hp) for a player with no armor is exactly 100 according to user PaaHoo. The different armor types each add a varying amount of hp: light/ranger armor adds 12 hp, normal armor adds 25 hp, heavy armor gives an additional 43 hp and finally exo armor provides a hefty 62 hp. When damaged, the armor breaks first before affecting the player’s health pool. This insight can be found in the discussion here.

Where to Aim?

Finding it tough to crack the armor? User s3x4 has got you covered. According to this gamer, targeting the arms and legs can help bypass the armor issue. Get more details on this strategy here.

Tips and Guides

Player 0o_Lillith_o0 has put together a handy guide which covers armor-related tips and unknown facts that might put the new players on the right path. Check out this must-read information here.

Practice Makes Perfect

User Distinct_Ad3556 reminds players that besides understanding the game mechanics, practice is key. Ensuring your shots hit their mark is imperative to successful combat and this can’t be taught via text, but through personal experience in the game. Learn more from this post here.

All in all, the intricacies of “BattleBit” can be a labyrinth that requires significant effort and time to understand. However, that’s where the magic lies; the revelation, the moments of learning and breakthrough. That’s what hooks us all, after all, isn’t it?