BananaSlamJamma: Is this hero a grief or OP?

Discover why BananaSlamJamma believes that Sniper is a powerful hero in Dota 2's latest patch.

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back everybody! In BananaSlamJamma’s latest video, he dives into the topic of Sniper, one of his favorite and most successful heroes in Dota 2 patch 7.35 D. He advocates for playing Sniper as a mid hero, explaining why he believes the hero is strong in the current meta. BananaSlamJamma discusses the advantages of playing Sniper on the Radiant side, highlighting the differences in terrain and flank paths between Radiant and Dire. He also explains how Sniper excels at turtling and dominating low armor ranged heroes. Additionally, he shares his preferred skill builds and item choices for Sniper, emphasizing the importance of positioning and playing with your team. BananaSlamJamma provides two replays to demonstrate his strategies and showcases how Sniper can be a game-changer when played correctly. Overall, he makes a case for Sniper being a strong and viable hero in the current Dota 2 meta.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Sniper is a strong mid hero in Dota 2 patch 7.35 D.
  • Playing Sniper on the Radiant side offers advantages due to terrain and flank paths.
  • Sniper excels at turtling and dominating low armor ranged heroes.
  • Proper positioning and playing with your team are crucial for success with Sniper.

Advantages of Playing Sniper on Radiant:

In this video, BananaSlamJamma highlights the differences in terrain and flank paths between the Radiant and Dire sides of the map. He explains why playing Sniper on the Radiant side can be more advantageous due to the difficulty of flanking behind Radiant and the positioning of the large camp.

Sniper’s Strengths Against Low Armor Ranged Heroes:

BananaSlamJamma discusses Sniper’s abilities to dominate low armor ranged heroes, such as Puck. He explains how Sniper’s high range and positioning can allow him to harass and deny effectively in lane. He also emphasizes the importance of using shrapnel strategically to control the lane and stack camps.

Preferred Skill Builds and Item Choices:

BananaSlamJamma shares his preferred skill builds for Sniper, depending on the matchup. He explains the benefits of different skill choices, such as maxing shrapnel for melee matchups and prioritizing headshot against ranged heroes. He also discusses his item choices, including double wraith bands, treads, Dragon Lance, Maelstrom, and Aghanim’s Scepter. He highlights the importance of defensive items like Hurricane Pike and Shard for survivability.

Playing with Your Team and Positioning:

BananaSlamJamma emphasizes the importance of playing with your team as Sniper and following aggressive playmakers. He explains how Sniper can provide follow-up damage and be a nuisance on the map when played alongside teammates. He also discusses the need for proper positioning and caution against diving or being out of position as Sniper.