BaLoRi: Arena Singed with 3 Times Flash is Super OP!!! – League of Legends

Discover how BaLoRi uses Singed with 3 flash abilities to dominate the arena in League of Legends. Is this strategy really as broken as it seems?

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Griot the NPC

BaLoRi’s video showcases his experimentation with Singed in League of Legends using the unique strategy of having three flash abilities. He explores the potential of this build and tests its effectiveness in the arena.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Singed with three flash abilities can be incredibly powerful, especially in the early game.
  • Building burn damage and magic penetration can further enhance the effectiveness of this strategy.
  • The Ultra Flash item may not be the best choice for this build, and alternative items should be considered.

Exploring Singed’s Potential

In the video, BaLoRi demonstrates the potential of Singed with three flash abilities. The ability to repeatedly engage and disengage can catch opponents off guard and provide a significant advantage. This strategy proves to be particularly effective in the early game, allowing for aggressive plays and securing kills.

Building for Success

To maximize the effectiveness of this build, BaLoRi suggests focusing on burn damage and magic penetration. These stats synergize well with Singed’s poison trail, amplifying the damage dealt to enemies. Additionally, items such as the Rylai’s Crystal Scepter and Liandry’s Anguish can further enhance Singed’s damage output.

The Ultra Flash Dilemma

While the Ultra Flash item may seem like a natural choice for this build, BaLoRi discovers that it may not be the most optimal option. Despite providing additional flash charges, it does not offer significant benefits to Singed’s overall performance. Exploring alternative items that provide more stat boosts or utility may yield better results.

Although BaLoRi’s experiment with Singed and three flash abilities ultimately results in a third-place finish, it showcases the potential power and versatility of this build. With further refinement and itemization, Singed players can potentially dominate the arena with this unique strategy.