Baldur’s Gate: Understanding the Controversy Surrounding Ascendant Astarion

Exploring the divisive opinions on Astarion's ascendant ending in Baldur's Gate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate has recently seen a surge in discussions surrounding Astarion’s ascendant ending…


  • Some fans struggle between appreciating a complex character and acknowledging his dubious nature.
  • The game’s binary morality system highlights clear paths, but character writing adds depth.
  • Ascendant Astarion poses moral dilemmas and can lead to uncomfortable player experiences.

The Tale of Ascendant Astarion

Many players find themselves conflicted when it comes to Astarion’s ascendant ending…

Embracing the Shadows

One player mentions, “I don’t think it’s a problem with the character per se, liking villains/morally skewed characters is not anything new…

Consequences of Ascension

Another player delves into the moral complexities of enabling Astarion’s ascension…

Beyond Humanity

Players share their personal experiences with ascendant Astarion…

Amidst the debates and discussions surrounding Astarion’s divisive ending, one thing remains clear—the character’s convoluted journey continues to spark contemplation and debate within the Baldur’s Gate community.